Monthly Archives: June 2021

The Failure of Public Health to Define Health

Health is an intangible state of mind where infirmity and illness are absent. There are various definitions used for such concept. According to some people’s health means “excess of everything good”. According to the other definition health is “a complete absence of anything bad”. The third meaning believes health to be a state of harmony and peacefulness that is achieved through bodily repose.


In all three definition health is associated with absence of illness and suffering. Some definitions perceive health as a state or condition caused by the presence of something. Disease is another definition that implies the presence of something non-healthy. This can also include the absence of disease causing organisms. When illness occurs there is a certain cause, either viral bacterial, fungal or genetic.

The absence of disease causing organisms is viewed as the cause of any absence of health. The absence of all disease producing microorganisms in an environment implies a total absence of health. It is clear that the absence of disease producing organisms results in the absence of health. This is a very powerful concept and it has a tremendous power to affect people. To illustrate the tremendous power of this concept let us consider cancer.

Cancer is an infirmity that has no cure and is caused by an invasion of microorganisms into the body. Microorganisms can multiply uncontrollably and cause an imbalance in the chemical composition of the body. They also invade tissues and cells and form tumors, which when left untreated are progressive and reach a stage of terminal in effect. It is inevitable that cancer will kill the person if the treatment is not commenced at an early stage. Without exception, people who have cancer and have no access to medical treatment are regarded as poor health.

No doubt, the absence of disease is not the cause of illness but it can be used to explain the fact that absence of illness is not the indicator of good health. What is needed is an approach that considers the totality of a person and takes into consideration his physical, emotional, spiritual, social, psychological and other aspects. Such an approach can be termed as defining health. In such a situation, it will be easy to say that absence of illness is not the cause of absence of health but rather a pre-requisite for healthy living.

Defining health is a concept that must be inculcated in all institutions responsible for the well being of human beings. Without the concept of healthy life style, the control over diseases would be impossible. In fact, it is ironic that public health educators are themselves infected with the idea of promoting healthy lifestyles when they themselves are guilty of promoting unhealthy modes of living. To prevent the resurgence of such ill concepts, public health needs to put a halt to its unhealthy trend in all areas of its work.

A Little Bit About Beauty


A Little Bit About Beauty

Beauty is frequently defined as a subjective quality of objects which makes these objects enjoyable to perceive. Such objects can be landscapes, sunsets, beautiful humans, beautiful works of art and other artistic creations. Beauty, along with aestheticism, is the key field of aesthetics, one of the most important branches of philosophy. philosophers in ancient times all had a similar opinion about beauty; they all had an affinity with beauty. They also had a common view that reason and passion belong to the class of things that are to be appreciated by all men.

In the twentieth century philosophers have lost the ability to define beauty completely. There is a wide variety of definitions according to different philosophers, however most of them agree on the fact that beauty is something that appeals to all human senses. Beauty exists independent of personal preference and it cannot be defined, for it is a subjective quality, an inner sense. It is like the beauty of a flower in the garden, the beauty of the sunrise on a cold morning, the beauty of water running down a stream… it is something that appeals to all the senses. A subjective beauty, that is to say something that appeals to all human senses, has a distinct advantage over objective beauty.

Aesthetics has been related to art since the time of the ancient Greeks. The Ancient Greeks used many terms to describe the visual arts and beauty – many times the same term was used to describe art itself. These terms for beauty included aesthetic beauty, thanos (taste) beauty, kalopia (view) beauty, media (color) beauty and logos (a form of representation). Aesthetic beauty became closely associated with Greek art, especially painters such as painters like Aristotle.

Later the Romanticists gave a new and more exact term to describe this abstract beauty: beauty – or the aesthetic. However, by this time the aesthetic had lost its individualistic qualities and was largely confined to a single domain, the art of painting. Modernism on the other hand, rejected the idea of beauty entirely and sought instead to make art and beauty ‘comparatively equal’ rather than ‘identical’. In this modern world beauty is largely determined by the culture in which it is found.

The word beauty itself comes from the Greek word ‘gift’, which means something that one creates for oneself. In this sense beauty is defined as the end product of one’s creative efforts. The idea behind the creation of beauty in art is that man can create a beautiful object out of any ordinary thing. The idea of beauty – art – has become closely associated with the culture of each and every civilization.

The concept of beauty in art dates back to the very beginnings of human civilization. It is present in all cultures and religions and is most prominent in classical Greece, which is widely considered to be the very beginning of civilization. Aesthetic beauty is closely associated with beauty in all aspects of life and is considered to be the very essence of beauty. This is why we see so many people, even in modern times, looking at so many forms of beauty in nature. Art has played a huge part in the process of evolution, and there is no wonder that it has remained so since the very first moment of its creation.