The World Health Organization’s Definition of Health

World Health Organization defines health as the state of complete well-being and absence of disease or infirmity. However, the term has been used for many purposes over the centuries. This article outlines a variety of definitions and their history. You can read the original definition of health from the World Bank or the American Academy of Pediatrics. If you’re unsure of the definition of health, check out these other useful definitions. This will give you an idea of how to measure your current state of wellness.


As we age, our physical and mental health are interconnected. As we age, we become more prone to chronic diseases and other conditions. A chronic illness can limit our ability to do daily activities, which can lead to depression, stress, and even mobility issues. In addition, mental illnesses can affect our overall functions and body weight, which is why it is important to approach our health holistically and aim for overall well-being. Having balance is the key to good health.

Health is defined as a comprehensive state of well-being. The World Health Organization (WHO) has adopted a constitution that recognizes health as a human right. This charter states that “the enjoyment of the highest possible standard of physical, mental, and social well-being is a fundamental right of every human being”. Promoting health means encouraging and preventing activities and situations that contribute to a healthy life. Some of these factors are personal, while others are structural and can’t be controlled.

We can’t separate our physical and mental health from our mental health. In fact, the two are intricately connected and must be managed together if we are to live a healthy life. Taking care of the physical and mental aspects of health will help us feel better and perform better every day. By balancing physical and mental well-being, we can improve our general well-being. The key to good health is balance. And it’s easy to achieve if we follow these rules.

Achieving health is an essential part of everyday life. It encompasses our physical, mental, emotional, and social capacities. In fact, health is the opposite of disease. It is the state of being free of disordered physical and mental processes. It is also a condition of being mentally and emotionally able to cope with stress. The world is a fragile place and it is important to maintain your health.

The concept of health is important for our daily lives. The word ‘health’ can mean different things to different people. A healthy person is physically healthy. This is a state of wellbeing, while a healthy person is mentally healthy. They have the same ability to do the same things, so that the same person has a healthy body and mind. This is why a balanced lifestyle is so important. For example, you need to eat nutritious foods to stay fit.